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HR Training Programs

Benjamin Franklin once said that “[a]n ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is this aphorism more true than in the area of labor and employment law.


To help you avoid litigation and other HR headaches, Morrow & Meyer LLC offers comprehensive and competitively priced Human Resources Training Programs for your employees.  Our training programs are available in either a lecture or a unique mock trial format.


Our Mock Trial Training Programs involve entertaining and instructive fact patterns based upon an amalgam of actual cases.  The programs are designed to highlight common mistakes made by supervisors and HR professionals.  We provide you with the case materials, and you select employees to play the part of trial witnesses.  The witnesses will be questioned closely by Morrow & Meyer attorneys, as if they were testifying at a real trial or hearing.  Other employees are asked to be members of the jury.  Each trial is followed by jury deliberations, a discussion of the case and the law, and a brief Q&A session.  The result is a fun and informative way for your employees to learn how to steer clear of troublesome employment law predicaments!


Morrow & Meyer LLC provides HR training on the following topics:



Morrow & Meyer LLC


Canton Office

6263 Frank Ave. NW

North Canton, OH 44720


Phone: 330-433-6000
Fax: 330-433-6993



  1. Sexual Harassment/ Gender Discrimination

  2. Disability Discrimination

  3. Workers’ Compensation Cost Containment

  4. Union Avoidance

  5. Workplace Accidents and OSHA Inspections

  6. Diversity

  7. Employment Law 101 for Supervisors

If you are interested in our HR Training Programs and wish to learn more, please contact Tod Morrow or

Susan Chae or at 330.433.6000.

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